Dr. Christopher Brinker

JPME Wargaming Specialist, CASL

Dr. Brinker earned his PhD in Near Eastern Studies with a concentration in Archaeology from Johns Hopkins University in 2015. While there, he taught core curriculum courses and developed his own original seminars for undergraduate instruction. He began working as a wargaming consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton in 2019 and has supported the work of various DoD clients including the Defense Security Cooperation Administration (DSCA), The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the U.S. Navy. He started work at CASL in February 2022. While here, he has had the opportunity to contribute to the development and execution of many different games and exercises, including red teaming exercises, large-format seminars for international fellows, and many different scenarios for the Operational Wargaming System (OWS). Dr. Brinker is also a lifelong hex and counter hobby wargamer and has contributed to development of a handful of commercially available hobby wargames. He is particularly interested in incorporating contemporary, novel hobby wargame mechanics that encourage new kinds of player interaction and deepen player engagement into CASL-facilitated events.